Nova corporation roblox application answers
Nova corporation roblox application answers

nova corporation roblox application answers

Such members are usually put in the same room in a site, with no access to external activity.Ĭlass - D: Class - D personnel are the lowest ranking members of the Nova Corporation. However, it is known that Test Subjects are used to research on entities and to investigate about the human nature.Ĭlass - E: The Class - E clearance class is given to the members of the Nova Corporation that are currently undergoing punishment for breaking the law.

nova corporation roblox application answers

The true nature of how Test Subjects are obtained will never be deciphered. Some speculate they are death row prisoners brought from their death row for the benefit of humanity. Test Subject: How Test Subjects are obtained is not entirely known. The Nova Corporation contains different clearance levels that represent each individual's access level within the Corporation.

Nova corporation roblox application answers